Friday, April 10, 2009

What? I have a blog?

I have nothing inspirational to say except:

Seek and trust in God through Jesus Christ His Son.

Anyway, I'm still alive. My school is closed today because it's Good Friday...

I'm not feeling satisfied right now. I need to go seek God.

*runs away*

oh, and if you read my last post, on that trip to the lake, I was tubing and my foot was down in the water all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain, and when we got back closer to the house/shore and slowed down, I looked at my foot and there was blood pouring out the top of it... just thought you wanted to know that. . . and i have a purple scar there still. anyway, May His peace overwhelm you.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


tomorrow will finish my second week of college for the year. I'm tired. I need to be getting more sleep. and the lack of sleep effects my studies some. it's hard to read everything I need too (even when i'm not tired). i'm pretty excited about life and about God. I love chapels. we have them tuesday through friday every week. i love the speaker that we had today. he came quite a few times last year too. Adrien Duprei. look him up. he's great. anyway chapel is great cause there is hundreds of people in a room praising God and then they have a lil sermon thing. it's tight. and I have a great roommate. His name is Philip. I didn't live on campus last year, but I stayed overnight quite a bit and i stayed with Philip and his roommate most of the time. so Phil and i know each other. and he keeps me accountable for stuff and we pray together every night. I'm so incredibly blessed and I want to live my life completely for God. i have problems with living that out sometimes though. i can pray about that though and ask God to work it out, to focus me entirely on knowing Him and doing His will. i also have so much good teaching coming at me. I like all of my classes this sememster. Hermeneutics (interpreting the Bible), Intro to World Christian Movement, Communicating God's Word, Video Production 1, and Web Page Design and Development. I have to admit, it's tough getting all the work done. and honestly, I don't always get all the reading done. but somehow I'll make it. Philippians 4:13 -- "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
I'm going to a USC vs. Clemson soccer game tomorrow with my dad and brother. one of my good counselor friends from camp, Maggie, may be coming to the game as well so that'll be cool if i get to see her again. Saturday morning I'm going to a lake with my family and some family friends and I'll be there till Monday. I need to get a good bit of homework done over the weekend, but hopefully i'll have some time to relax. and i'm really really hoping that I get to go tubing. I absolutely love tubing. speeding over water, getting sprayed in the face, the wind rushing over you.... mmmm. that's a lil piece of heaven.
well, I need to talk to God some before I close my weary eyes. peace.
-Jonathan <><

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Back to School & A Reflection on the Summer

Okay, so my summer is just about over. I'm moving onto campus Sunday afternoon, and my classes start on Tuesday. This summer has been an experience. I had a job working at a camp. I made some news friends. I laughed. I cried. I stressed. I trusted. I loved. I . . . disliked. I was happy, sad, joyful, depressed, angry, annoyed and most definitely exhausted. I broke my phone (got another one now), lost my patience (don't worry, I found it again), and had my heart stolen (it's MIA. not sure where it is now). I've made plenty of stupid decisions (and perhaps a few wise ones). And now, I thank God for sticking with me through all my stupid decisions, and for giving me all these experiences this summer.
"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose."
~Romans 8:28

Saturday, July 5, 2008

well here's something I haven't done in awhile... for those of you who occasionally take a peek at my blog...

So I survived my spring semester. it was great. I'm making good grades, and I've found some new friends which is always a plus. I'm currently working at a Presbyterian church camp (Camp Fellowship). I've got about 5 weeks of camp left, and after camp ends, I have about 10 days before I start my sophmore year at CIU. I'm ready to see some people again but not so ready for all the school work that accompanies it. Oh well. I've heard that I should enjoy college while I'm still at it, and that the college years fly by.

So, here I am, in my freshman summer, sitting on a couch, trying to record part of my life to look back at in the future. I wonder how much my writing, my ideas, my concerns, my interests will change in 5 years. In 5 years, where will I be? It's an interesting thought.
so yeah, I've got Facebook and Myspace now. What a way to drain your time. but at least I can be in contact with old friends.

anyway, Camp Fellowship is going well. I get to act like a kid all week and get paid for it! woot! okay, that's not exactly it, but it is an awesome job. there's not much room for boredom, and everyday you've got the chance to make kids smile. I love it.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
-Ephesians 2:8-10

Friday, December 21, 2007

What Happened?

Isn't it funny how you plan to do something and you never get around to it. Whoops. Yeah. Well, I'm on the winter break of my first semester in college now. So yeah, I survived. It seemed like I would barely make it at times, but here I am, a bit smarter, a bit wiser, and a bit closer to God.

Well, I'm looking forward to some classes next semester, and there are some I wish I could avoid. But everything will work out. I know it will. I might not be able to do it myself, but I know Someone else who can do it, and my trust is in Him.

Anyway, that's enough for now.


Thursday, September 27, 2007

It's Been Awhile...

Wow. It's been awhile since I've posted anything. The summer went great, and now I'm at college. The older I get, the faster time seems to fly by. I can't figure this one out though: the faster time flies by, the older I get. Yikes. I better start posting more often so that I can have a hard copy of this time in my life, something to look back at in 10, 20, or 50 years.

Well, college is going well right now. I mean, other than stressing over all the homework (oh, I knew I would have a lot of homework. It's just that knowing about all the homework and actually doing the homework are two entirely different things. *repeatedly bangs head on desk*) and the long term projects due in a couple weeks that I haven't started (heh heh, yeah, I know. My bad). Yeah, other than that, I'm surviving college. I'm actually learning and growing and changing. Wow, it's been a great experience so far.

Well, I've got class in 15 minutes so I should probably start heading down to the room.

So long.
That big German word.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Prologue

I was thinking I better post once in awhile... but the wheels in my head aren't turning very quickly right now... so I'm going to post the prologue to my novel. It's short, but not so sweet. lol. Read it and you might discover what I mean.

The plane shivered as it tore through the air. It was falling, dropping out of the sky. Doomed to death, it would speed across the sky no more. It knew its end was coming. Screeching in protest, the aircraft screamed toward an island beach, but to no avail. Shuddering, trembling, quaking, it sped en route to its final destination: the white shore of the island.
The plane made its landing, if it could be called a landing, a few minutes before the sun disappeared into the ocean. The aircraft’s journey was ended, but its’ passengers journey, was just beginning.

yep... that's all for now.
